DbI Verdenskonference 2019: Call for papers

Den 17.. Deafblind International World Conference holdes i Australien 12.-16. august 2019.  Temaet for konferencen bliver: “Sharing the Knowledge to ACT: Accessibility.  Communication. Technology.  Now is your time to ACT!”

Nu inviterer konferencens Scientific Committee interesserede til at indsende forslag til præsentationer.

Læs mere i DbI's nyhedsbrev, som er kopieret ind her:

Individuals who are deafblind, families, academics and professionals will have opportunities during the conference to share experiences, research and best practices in deafblindness. Oral workshops and poster presentations will be scheduled throughout the conference.

If you or someone you know is interested in doing a presentation at the 17th World Conference, the Scientific Committee will invite interested individuals to submit a proposal during their “Call for Papers”, scheduled for August 1 – 31, 2018.  Further details will be shared closer to the date. 

The Scientific Committee requests that all applicants ensure that their presentations meet accessibility requirements for participants who are deafblind (for example, providing audio descriptions or captioning for all videos.  Following accessibility requirements will help break down barriers for persons who are deafblind and will make the conference more enjoyable for everyone who attends.  The Scientific Committee will confirm the list of presenters in early November 2018.

For further information, please visit http://www.ableaustralia.org.au/dbi2019, or contact Roxanna Spruyt-Rocks, Chair of the Scientific Committee, at r.spruytrocks@deafblindontario.com.